Wednesday, 9 December 2015

The last few days

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to give you an update on what we have been doing these last few days. Our schedule has been a little bit different due to a couple of presentations.

On Monday we began our unit on Number Sense- adding and subtracting fractions.

Students worked on a problem called "Pedro's Patio" in small groups. Here are some samples of their work:

We have been working on our narratives, and following the writing process. Narratives are due Wednesday, December 16, and are to be 2-4 pages, typed. Students have been given time in class each day to work on these. Also, their final novel study is due on Monday December 14th.
We are writing letters to Ms. Mercer's Kindergarten class for our holiday letter exchange. Looking forward to receiving their letters, our students have been great leaders, and have each been matched up with a Kindergarten. 

On Monday we also had a music class and students were given holiday music to learn on the Glockenspiel, on Friday there will be a playing test for a piece, that students may select, there will also be a theory test on note names, value, dynamics, rhythm, etc...a review will occur in class.

We have been doing some history lessons this week, and we have begun a phys.ed unit on dodgeball.

On Tuesday we had a special presentation in the afternoon on Cyber safety and digital citizenship, it was excellent, and I think a wake-up call to everyone that nothing posted on the internet or sent via technology is ever private. Also, messages and pictures sent can never be taken back. The speaker was very knowledgeable and sent a clear, strong message, that needed to be heard by everybody. Hopefully everyone took what he said into consideration and will become more cautious with their internet use. Who's changed their password to at least 7 characters? Who changed their password to 12 or more characters, and made it a word? Who went and got a password book? Who owns their own phone...?

Today we had a special presentation on Equity and Inclusion, which included messages about racism, homophobia, sexism, and other discriminatory practices.
The intermediate division all gathered in the library for a period where the teachers shared some personal stories, videos, slideshows and students played a game about prejudice. The presentation was interactive and students contributed to the conversation which was great to see. Our school has zero tolerance for discrimination and any student who is found to be discriminatory in any way, will be sent to the office immediately.

Here is one of the videos we watched today:

Festive Activities:

The food drive has been a great success this week, please keep bringing in your food items!!! If each student could bring in 1-2 items, it would be wonderful! The food drive ends Friday. So far our class has collected 32 items (last counted this morning). Keep it coming, each item= 1, 15cm piece of duct tape to tape me to the wall...

We are entering the school's door decorating contest, if anyone has any extra holiday decorations they could donate to our door, that would be excellent! Thank you in advance.

Candy cane grams have been on sale all week, they end Friday so hurry and get your's soon!

We have been learning holiday music on the Glockenspiel.

Some students have chosen to participate in a class Secret Santa exchange on the last day of school. Students are to bring in a wrapped gift with a value of $10 or less. Gifts will be placed in a pile, and then we will play a game to determine which gift they will get. This was optional.

We have been thinking of ideas for the last day of school, some include bringing in food, watching a movie, having lots of social time, board games, narrative reading contest, pyjama/onesie day, dress-up in X-mas wear etc. We will narrow down the ideas and let everyone know ASAP. It is for sure red and green day school-wide.

Students must be finished all work from the term in order to participate in this final celebratory day before the holidays.

Also, Thursday December 17th is crazy sock day. :)

There is a parent/guardian meeting tomorrow, Thursday, December 10th at 6:30p.m about the grade 7 trip to the Canoe Museum in May. If you aren't able to attend and you have questions, you can email Ms. Cornwall (the other grade 7 teacher) and she would be happy to answer any questions you may have. 

Only 7 school days left, ahhh! The countdown for the holidays is on! :)

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