Sunday, 20 September 2015

Class Blog Update

Hello Everyone,

I am posting to inform you that I will not be able to update our class blog or Edmodo beginning tomorrow (Monday, September 21st), until further notice due to the current job action. Students will be informed in class, and on our whiteboard of due dates, upcoming events, etc. and should share this information with parents/guardians. As well, I will be selecting a new student each week to post updates and reminders on Edmodo. Thank you for your understanding and support in this matter.

-K. Rose

Day 4, Friday, September 18, 2015.

Our day:

Math: Day 4 of imath-we watched a video about math patterns in the real world and every day life! It was pretty awesome! We also worked on identifying patterns using Pascal's triangle. iMath, day 4

French: With Madame Poisson

Literacy: Many students required this time to finish up CASI. Those that completed CASI were to work on their novel studies, "I am Poem", and free writing, and hand art.

Health:  Introduction to our healthy eating unit. We completed a "KWL" chart (What I know, What I want to know, and What I Learned") about healthy eating prior to watching a short movie about nutrients, digestion, fueling our bodies, etc.

Free Friday: Student who were not finished CASI used this time to finish, complete "I am Poems", hand art, and any other unfinished work from the week that was due. Upon completion, students could choose to work on any approved "Free Friday" quiet activities.

DPA: The class voted to play Stones outside!

I hope everyone has enjoyed their weekends!

Day 3, Thursday, September 17, 2015.

Our day:

Math: Day 3 of iMath from Standford University's "Week of Inspirational Math"

We learned that being a "deep mathematical thinker" is better than being fast at math.
We followed instructions to fold several shapes out of paper and practiced convincing and proving to skeptics what our shapes were.

We also looked at the dot card below and realized that math is:
-highly creative
-visual in nature
-and there are many different ways to see math and solve math problems

Several of the students saw this math dot card in different ways, here are some below:

French: with Madame Poisson

Drama: with Madame Poisson

Literacy: We began CASI today-most students used the full 100 minute block to complete their CASI reading assessment which allows me to identify students' reading comprehension and fluency, and put them in small groups for guided reading. If students achieve a level 3 or 4, they will not have to complete another CASI for the rest of the year.

DPA: We went outside and played capture the flag.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Day 2, Tuesday, September 16, 2015.

I hope this Summer weather lasts-today was a gorgeous day!

Here's what we did today:

Math: We spent some time finishing day 2 of iMath, and consolidating together, many students shared their work via the hovercam- lots of patterns were discovered with the number visuals and hundreds chart! Way to "think outside the box!" This lesson helped to review prime and composite numbers in a visual way!


-Independent reading/time to work on novel study
-mini inquiry lesson on text codes to show your thinking when reading-fiction or non-fiction!

We read a recent news article called, "Countries Sending aid to Syrian Refugees," and wrote down three text codes with support from the text.

The news article we read today about the Syrian Refugee Crisis

-Started working on "I am Poems"- due Friday

Music: Worked on "Soundtrack of My Life"- due Monday, September 28th.

History: Took an online quiz about the history of Canada as an introduction to our history units.

Canadian History Quiz

Tomorrow is the last day to show interest in running for student council (house president, etc.)

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Day 1, Tuesday, September 15, 2015.

Wow! I can't believe a whole week of school has gone by already!

Here's what we did today:

Gym: We played "Speedball"- a combination of basketball, handball, and soccer!

Math: Day 2 of the imath week of inspirational math- today's lesson was about number visuals and patterns we see.

Day 2 of iMath

French: Homework was written on the board.

Literacy: Students were given time to read independently and were given a hard copy of the novel study assignment and some time to start thinking about their novel study. The first novel study is due on October 14th. During this time we also completed a mini inquiry lesson on Non-Fiction text features and purposes.

Students had time to "free write" for 20 minutes on a topic of choice- looking forward to reading your entries!

We also reviewed our classroom agreement today, and signed our names to acknowledge that we will all adhere to each statement. In addition to our agreement, we have a progressive discipline plan that will be followed in the event an infraction occurs. Please see our classroom commitment and discipline plan below (note: depending on severity of infraction; steps 1,2, and 3 may be skipped and a student may go directly to the office if their behaviour or action warrants).

Computers: We began class 1 of 3 on digital literacy and citizenship, called "become an online sleuth". Students began to learn about the credibility of content online and why it is important to check sources while online. We also made posts on Edmodo, and checked out the updates on Ms. Rose's blog.

Google lessons on digital literacy and citizenship

Reminder: Intermediate girls basketball try-out tomorrow after school 3:30-4:30 please bring signed permission forms in. Student council nominees must have everything submitted by Thursday. Good luck to everyone running! Make a good year a great year- GET INVOLVED!

Monday, 14 September 2015

Day 5, Monday September 14, 2015.

Today was a great start to week two!

-cross country running tomorrow after school, and maybe flag football?
-boys volleyball have more try-outs this week
-girls basketball has their 2nd try-out Wednesday after school from 3:30-4:30p.m
-student council elections are coming up soon

-we have gym tomorrow (in the gym)- please bring appropriate clothing and footwear-participation in gym is mandatory unless you have a note from home/a doctor's note


Gym: outside in the wet grass- it was a beautiful morning and most students were troopers!
We played several co-operative and games of low organization including: everybody's it tag, pirate tag, chuck the chicken, and Larry, Curly, Moe!

Math: We started a week of inspiration math (imath) from Stanford University with a lesson on mindsets, open inquiry, and we revisited important number facts and relationships. Today we worked on an open inquiry lesson called the "four 4's".

Literacy: Introduction of our monthly novel study for independent reading. The first novel study is due October 14th. If you have questions, please conference with me well before the due date. Remember, each novel study must be completed with books from different genres. (Example: if you choose a mystery novel for October, you cannot choose a mystery novel again). You may however, read multiple novels at the same time. Novels may be from the school library, classroom library, public library, or home. 

We also had independent silent reading for 20 minutes, most students are getting settled and reading without interruption, demonstrating terrific stamina!

We did a mini inquiry lesson on looking at pictures and making inferences/forming questions about what we see! Students had some great contributions to our discussion!

Here is a link that we used for this exercise: 

Music: We were introduced to the first assignment of the year for music- a "soundtrack to my life". A gathering of 8-10 songs that represent you- your personality, significant moments in your life, people in your life, etc. and a custom designed CD cover. This is due Monday, September 28th. 

Students will be given a hard copy of this assignment.

Science: We used our prior knowledge to recall the steps of the scientific method. We watched a "Mythbusters" segment that took us through each step of the scientific method: Question, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedure, Observation/Collect Data, Conclusion/Results, Communicate- what a fun way to review!

We ended by completing our anchor chart for the learning skill initiative:

Sunday, 13 September 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015.

What an awesome first week of the 2015/2016 school year! Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome to Orchard Park P.S.

Friday at a glance:

Math- In small groups we brainstormed about our prior knowledge of the 7 math processes that students learn and apply as they work through the math curriculum:

-problem solving
-reasoning and proving
-selecting tools and computational strategies

Mathematical Processes Visual

-mathematicians created based on our responses to our math survey:

-finished our multiple intelligence's graph (or finish for homework)


-independent reading and thinking on stickies
-inquiry mini lesson- Chicago Blackhawks-what we know/what we learned chart
-inquiry independent practice on student-selected topic with chart
-quick write: "My Summer"

Growth Mindset Lesson:

-watched slideshow and completed questions

Growth Mindset Powerpoint with Inspirational video links

Art/ Free Friday:

-students had the opportunity to finish up any unfinished work from the week, and when done, participate in one of our acceptable "Free Friday" Activities (any unfinished work during this half-period is homework and due Monday):

-play a quiet board game from the classroom selection or one brought from home
-play an online game with teacher approval
-ask teacher for permission if unsure what is an acceptable "free Friday" activity

Seth finished his work and used our red cups from a previous activity to build this free-standing structure:

D.P.A.: We played soccer baseball (I have a feeling this will be a class favourite!)

Activities coming up:

We have gym on days 1&5 and DPA regularly, please bring appropriate clothing and foot wear

Intermediate girls basketball try-out: Monday at 1:15p.m
Boys volleyball tryouts have begun
Cross country Running: first try-out: Tuesday afterschool

Stayed informed- there are many other activities and clubs starting up in the near future!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! See you tomorrow!

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Day 3, Thursday, September 10, 2015

Hi everyone,

Thanks for another amazing day! Just a reminder to please bring in your forms that went home on Tuesday about accident insurance, etc. and bring back your completed Edmodo code of conduct signed by your parents/guardians.

Boys volleyball try-outs are under way, girls basketball try-outs will begin on Monday. The sign-up sheet is posted on the outside of our pod. Ultimate frisbee sign-ups are on the outside of the library door, and cross country sign-ups are on our pod door by Ms. Cornwall's door. Please consider running for student council, leadership team, joining flag football, etc.!

Parents and Guardians: Please note that the intermediate division at Orchard Park will not be provided with agendas this year. It is my hope that the students in our class refer to the blog/Edmodo, for updates. All information will be mentioned in class as well as written on our homework/reminder board in class. It is the responsibility of grade 7/8 students to keep updated, informed, and organized. If the student prefers to keep written reminders, they can do so in a personal notebook or planner. If you prefer to communicate with me via paper format, a note from home is great, and I will respond in a similar fashion. Also, thank you to those parents and guardians who have filled out the google form- it helps me to be organized and acts as a quick reference for questions regarding contact information, technology use etc. I'm also enjoying reading about your perspectives of your children as learners.

Today we:

-worked on finishing our mathematician glyphs (most are complete, if not, it's homework), will post a picture soon
- brainstormed some Accountable talk prompts to go with our chart from yesterday:

-had French (Madame Poisson)
-had drama (Madame Poisson)
-independently read selected books from the library and our classroom library, and made these anchors about reading and selecting books:

-had time to work on our hand art, will be homework over the weekend if not completed in allotted class time tomorrow
-some people started their multiple intelligences quiz and graph
-started talking about growth mindset-will watch some short videos and go through a slideshow tomorrow!
-had DPA- capture the flag outside

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Day 2 Wednesday, September, 9, 2015

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for another fantastic day. I'd like you all to think about how you can GET INVOLVED. You can greatly influence the type of year you have in grade 7/8 by the activities you choose. There are so many extra-curriculars offered at Orchard Park, and if you don't find one that you like, submit a proposal and find a teacher to supervise. Don't forget to stay informed for try-outs, meetings, elections, etc. Also keep in mind, that when you sign-up for something, stay committed, other people are relying on you!

Here is a recap of today:

Team building "cup stack pyramid" challenge in small groups: Here are some pictures of our groups in action, and the championship team's tower!:

 Our discussion prompts:

1.Was anyone frustrated at all during this activity? If so how was it handled?
2. Why was teamwork so important for this activity?
3. Are you ever in a situation where you must use teamwork? Is this always easy for you? Why or     why not?
4. What are some skills required to be good at teamwork?
5. What do you find challenging about teamwork?
6. What did you do today to contribute to the teamwork on your team?

This activity was done to introduce and support our learning skill: collaboration. Here is the collaboration learning skill anchor chart we co-constructed:

We also discussed "Accountable Talk" and how to respectfully converse with people during group projects, teamwork initiatives, and other classroom activities (and life in general)!:

You started/completed  a, "Me as a Mathematician Survey" and glyph which represents you as a mathematician based on your responses. I've seen some awesome ones so far! This activity is a great starter activity to ease into math (and following directions)! Pictures to come once everyone is finished!

We also had a period in the library for orientation and library monitoring training. Remember, if you sign-up for library monitoring, you must keep up with your academics.

We started our hand art today- they are looking really interesting! Can't wait to see the completed products! If you want to bring in old magazines or newspapers to cut out text or pictures to paste onto your art you are welcome to. Some of you are really creative!

Finally, we had phys. ed. outside today (not our usual gym time as we missed it yesterday due to an assembly). We played some GLOs (games of low organization), meaning they require little set-up and equipment but can be super fun. We played a few different R.P.S (rock, paper, scissors) games: R.P.S. Evolution, Giant R.P.S., and finally R.P.S. cheerleader. 

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

What an awesome first day 7/8's!

Wow! What a great start to the 2015/2016 school year grade 7/8's! I really enjoyed meeting you all today and starting to get to know each of you. Thank you for being so respectful during our two assemblies today! You are the leaders of the school, remember to exemplify role model behaviour- little eyes are watching and doing and saying what you do!

Today we:
-played an icebreaker to "break the ice" and learn more about our classmates
-had 2 assemblies (school-wide and 6/7/8)
-we reviewed school policies and procedures and heard how we can GET INVOLVED this year!
-formed our own classroom expectations and watched a couple of short videos for inspiration:

Minion RULES video #1
Minion RULES video #2 with music

-watched a RESPECT YOUTUBE video- because respect is an all encompassing rule- you've got to give it to get it, it's a two-way street:


-had a very short French period as the 2nd assembly was during most of French
-started and some completed a self-survey so I can get to know everyone- looking forward to reading, due for homework if not completed during class time today
-started graffiti hip hop name cards- so I can learn your names, so supply teachers can learn your names, and because they look awesome. We have some artists in the room I can tell already!
-watched a pep talk video from Kid President:

Pep Talk from Kid President

-watched "How to Change the World (a work in progress)" from Kid President:

How to Change the World- Kid President

-had our first computer lab session where we checked out this blog, and signed-up for  individual Edmodo accounts, your parents/guardians can get a parent account too. Parents/guardians please read this parent letter pertaining to Edmodo- your child can request a hard copy from me if they wish: Edmodo parent letter

-and of course had nutrition breaks and fitness breaks!

See you all tomorrow! :)

Monday, 7 September 2015

Parent/Guardian Contact Information and Technology Survey

Please complete this form. Your results will only be shared with me and kept on file for contact purposes.

Thank you.

Welcome to our class blog and welcome back to school grade 7/8's

Hello everyone, 

Welcome back to school! I am very excited to be teaching at Orchard Park P.S., this term until Mr. Finney returns from Australia and would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. This is my fourth year teaching with the SCDSB. It is my first time teaching at Orchard Park, and so far, everyone has been warm, welcoming, and friendly. Last year I taught planning time at Terry Fox E.S., in Barrie. In 2013/2014 I taught grade 6/7 at Couchiching Heights P.S. in Orillia, and the year before that I taught at Assikinack P.S. in Barrie.

I am from Orillia and attended both Harriett Todd P.S. and Couchiching Heights P.S., as an elementary student and ODCVI as a high school student. When I was in school, my teachers played a pivotal role in making me the person that I am today; I had many outstanding role models, and extracurricular opportunities that provided me with the foundation for excellence that was required in secondary and post-secondary education. I hope that I can “pay it forward” so that you/your child can have a wonderful educational experience like I did and be the best you/your child can be. Orchard Park has a rich history in the arts, academics, and athletics, and I hope to contribute to each of those areas. I have already signed up to co-coach intermediate girls basketball, assist with the band, and help out with the leadership club, can't wait!

This week we will be settling into routine and forming our classroom community. We will be co-constructing classroom expectations, playing icebreakers and teamwork activities, completing learning styles inventories, having a library and computer lab orientation period, reviewing school dress code and progressive discipline procedures, reviewing safety rules (and drills), starting-up our online class communication tool (Edmodo), introducing some subject areas, attending assemblies, signing up for some extra curriculars (get involved!), and of course, having fun!

It is my goal that you/your son/daughter is as successful as you/they can be this year in all areas of school life. I will be working with you/each of your children individually to ensure you/they have the skills, and strategies to reach your/their full potential. When I am not coaching or involved in another area of school or life, I will be available for extra help at recesses, before, and after school. I will make it known to the students when these sessions will occur.

Communication is very important to me, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me by writing in your child’s agenda, or by calling the school and leaving a message with the secretarial staff. I will write back or return your call A.S.A.P. I can also arrange to meet with you after school with some notice as well. I will be updating this blog with classroom activities and will communicate with you about your son/daughter's progress.

I look forward to meeting you in the near future and working in partnership with you to ensure your child has a successful term!

Your’s in education,

 Ms. Katie Rose