Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Day 2 Wednesday, September, 9, 2015

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for another fantastic day. I'd like you all to think about how you can GET INVOLVED. You can greatly influence the type of year you have in grade 7/8 by the activities you choose. There are so many extra-curriculars offered at Orchard Park, and if you don't find one that you like, submit a proposal and find a teacher to supervise. Don't forget to stay informed for try-outs, meetings, elections, etc. Also keep in mind, that when you sign-up for something, stay committed, other people are relying on you!

Here is a recap of today:

Team building "cup stack pyramid" challenge in small groups: Here are some pictures of our groups in action, and the championship team's tower!:

 Our discussion prompts:

1.Was anyone frustrated at all during this activity? If so how was it handled?
2. Why was teamwork so important for this activity?
3. Are you ever in a situation where you must use teamwork? Is this always easy for you? Why or     why not?
4. What are some skills required to be good at teamwork?
5. What do you find challenging about teamwork?
6. What did you do today to contribute to the teamwork on your team?

This activity was done to introduce and support our learning skill: collaboration. Here is the collaboration learning skill anchor chart we co-constructed:

We also discussed "Accountable Talk" and how to respectfully converse with people during group projects, teamwork initiatives, and other classroom activities (and life in general)!:

You started/completed  a, "Me as a Mathematician Survey" and glyph which represents you as a mathematician based on your responses. I've seen some awesome ones so far! This activity is a great starter activity to ease into math (and following directions)! Pictures to come once everyone is finished!

We also had a period in the library for orientation and library monitoring training. Remember, if you sign-up for library monitoring, you must keep up with your academics.

We started our hand art today- they are looking really interesting! Can't wait to see the completed products! If you want to bring in old magazines or newspapers to cut out text or pictures to paste onto your art you are welcome to. Some of you are really creative!

Finally, we had phys. ed. outside today (not our usual gym time as we missed it yesterday due to an assembly). We played some GLOs (games of low organization), meaning they require little set-up and equipment but can be super fun. We played a few different R.P.S (rock, paper, scissors) games: R.P.S. Evolution, Giant R.P.S., and finally R.P.S. cheerleader. 

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