Sunday, 13 September 2015

Friday, September 11, 2015.

What an awesome first week of the 2015/2016 school year! Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome to Orchard Park P.S.

Friday at a glance:

Math- In small groups we brainstormed about our prior knowledge of the 7 math processes that students learn and apply as they work through the math curriculum:

-problem solving
-reasoning and proving
-selecting tools and computational strategies

Mathematical Processes Visual

-mathematicians created based on our responses to our math survey:

-finished our multiple intelligence's graph (or finish for homework)


-independent reading and thinking on stickies
-inquiry mini lesson- Chicago Blackhawks-what we know/what we learned chart
-inquiry independent practice on student-selected topic with chart
-quick write: "My Summer"

Growth Mindset Lesson:

-watched slideshow and completed questions

Growth Mindset Powerpoint with Inspirational video links

Art/ Free Friday:

-students had the opportunity to finish up any unfinished work from the week, and when done, participate in one of our acceptable "Free Friday" Activities (any unfinished work during this half-period is homework and due Monday):

-play a quiet board game from the classroom selection or one brought from home
-play an online game with teacher approval
-ask teacher for permission if unsure what is an acceptable "free Friday" activity

Seth finished his work and used our red cups from a previous activity to build this free-standing structure:

D.P.A.: We played soccer baseball (I have a feeling this will be a class favourite!)

Activities coming up:

We have gym on days 1&5 and DPA regularly, please bring appropriate clothing and foot wear

Intermediate girls basketball try-out: Monday at 1:15p.m
Boys volleyball tryouts have begun
Cross country Running: first try-out: Tuesday afterschool

Stayed informed- there are many other activities and clubs starting up in the near future!

I hope everyone is having a great weekend! See you tomorrow!