Monday, 7 September 2015

Welcome to our class blog and welcome back to school grade 7/8's

Hello everyone, 

Welcome back to school! I am very excited to be teaching at Orchard Park P.S., this term until Mr. Finney returns from Australia and would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. This is my fourth year teaching with the SCDSB. It is my first time teaching at Orchard Park, and so far, everyone has been warm, welcoming, and friendly. Last year I taught planning time at Terry Fox E.S., in Barrie. In 2013/2014 I taught grade 6/7 at Couchiching Heights P.S. in Orillia, and the year before that I taught at Assikinack P.S. in Barrie.

I am from Orillia and attended both Harriett Todd P.S. and Couchiching Heights P.S., as an elementary student and ODCVI as a high school student. When I was in school, my teachers played a pivotal role in making me the person that I am today; I had many outstanding role models, and extracurricular opportunities that provided me with the foundation for excellence that was required in secondary and post-secondary education. I hope that I can “pay it forward” so that you/your child can have a wonderful educational experience like I did and be the best you/your child can be. Orchard Park has a rich history in the arts, academics, and athletics, and I hope to contribute to each of those areas. I have already signed up to co-coach intermediate girls basketball, assist with the band, and help out with the leadership club, can't wait!

This week we will be settling into routine and forming our classroom community. We will be co-constructing classroom expectations, playing icebreakers and teamwork activities, completing learning styles inventories, having a library and computer lab orientation period, reviewing school dress code and progressive discipline procedures, reviewing safety rules (and drills), starting-up our online class communication tool (Edmodo), introducing some subject areas, attending assemblies, signing up for some extra curriculars (get involved!), and of course, having fun!

It is my goal that you/your son/daughter is as successful as you/they can be this year in all areas of school life. I will be working with you/each of your children individually to ensure you/they have the skills, and strategies to reach your/their full potential. When I am not coaching or involved in another area of school or life, I will be available for extra help at recesses, before, and after school. I will make it known to the students when these sessions will occur.

Communication is very important to me, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me by writing in your child’s agenda, or by calling the school and leaving a message with the secretarial staff. I will write back or return your call A.S.A.P. I can also arrange to meet with you after school with some notice as well. I will be updating this blog with classroom activities and will communicate with you about your son/daughter's progress.

I look forward to meeting you in the near future and working in partnership with you to ensure your child has a successful term!

Your’s in education,

 Ms. Katie Rose

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